Saturday, July 16, 2011

I believe in God!

When I posted the status that 'I believe in God.' I got very good response. But I was so disappointed by the fact that there were very less people who believe in God. Most of them are atheists.

Science made us Gods even before we could learn to be humans. This is sad but true. Without fear of God will humanity be able to survive with peace and goodness?

We have to wait and see . . .

But for now read different peoples opinion on it:

Olivia Cassandrae  -  Jul 15, 2011  -  Limited
I believe in God!
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 by Michael Wells
Aaron Wood's profile photo
Aaron Wood - And he most certainly believes in you. :)
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - Hey, if it works for you, all power to you!
Jul 15, 2011   
terri mitchell's profile photo
terri mitchell - Yo do not! =D
Jul 15, 2011   
Erik torgosPizza's profile photo
Erik torgosPizza - Which one? There are so many!
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - Everyone who believes in god is already 99% atheist :)
Jul 15, 2011   
Aaron Faby's profile photo
Aaron Faby - I heard Baal is in fashion right now...
Jul 15, 2011   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Andrew Stankiewicz How your logic works? +terri mitchell are you referring to me?
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
terri mitchell's profile photo
terri mitchell - Yes Olivia. You don't really believe in god, do you?
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - Well, if there are 100 gods already and you believe in one then you're an 99% atheist in eyes of other gods.
Jul 15, 2011   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - Jesus Christ man! Kudos to your hypothesis.
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +terri mitchell I do believe in God! Oh! I am very faithful to Him and fear Him. Why do you think otherwise?
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
terri mitchell's profile photo
terri mitchell - I apologize, I thought you were kidding =/
Jul 15, 2011   
terri mitchell's profile photo
terri mitchell - No reason really. Just cuz I assumed. I guess most people I know don't.
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Jul 15, 2011   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +terri mitchell You stole my words, I was about to ask you the reason.
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Andrew Stankiewicz I am posting your hypothesis on my status bar.
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - You cant believe in gods, you program in java!

The universe runs on physics. Introducing gods to the paradigm of understanding the universe is analogous to introducing the concept of magic in order to understand a computer program.
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - :) she had me at: "..and fear Him." I spilled coffee!
Jul 15, 2011   
Did I Piss You Off's profile photo
Did I Piss You Off - you are secular 99% of the time...if you go to church 1 day out of 7 that is 99%.....all of your other actions are all secular other than probably that hour you spend in church that 1 day of the all over actions are considered secular...99%

Read the book, The Secular Mind!

Jul 15, 2011   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Andrew Stankiewicz it's not at all funny, ya! I do really fear Him!
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
Did I Piss You Off's profile photo
Did I Piss You Off - you do..where is that mute button?
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - +Olivia Cassandrae I've shared a pic, guess we can't attach to comments yet
Jul 15, 2011   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Tanin Ehrami I am Java program, and I am very logical but in this case I am God fearing.

I believe in Him, and always pray and thank Him for his kindness. It's hard to explain but I feel he is looking after me all the time.

It's my irony! But I do.
Jul 15, 2011  -  Edit   
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - Billions of people suffer from theo-phobia. But there's help. Please reach out to your atheist friends. Life is too precious to live it in fear.
Jul 15, 2011   
Wayne Chen's profile photo
Wayne Chen - Tanin Ehrami If that worked, we would be exploring the galaxy now rather than arguing about Evolution vs. Alakazam here are the animals, now would we?
Jul 15, 2011   
Erik torgosPizza's profile photo
Erik torgosPizza - I am afraid of God too. He's always killing people I love, and those who don't deserve it, but people like Pat Robertson get to live forever. Kind of a dick thing to do!
Jul 15, 2011 (edited Jul 15, 2011)   
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - The human mind is unfortunately very susceptible to exploitation, resulting in a lucrative market for nonsensical information.
Jul 15, 2011   
Jeff Dannewitz's profile photo
Jeff Dannewitz - Just need to move you out of my 'Atheist' circle...
Jul 15, 2011   
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - I wrote the Java thing because I seriously thought you were pulling our leg. As what or how do you define this god figure you believe exists?
Jul 15, 2011   
terri mitchell's profile photo
terri mitchell - I thought that too =/
Jul 15, 2011   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - +Tanin Ehrami , I still say she's pulling our leg :)
I've never heard anyone say they fear god, with exception of priest speeches.
Jul 15, 2011   
Ryan Santarini's profile photo
Ryan Santarini - I believe in all gods!
Jul 15, 2011   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Did I Piss You Off does it hurt you if I say I believe in God? You need mute button? Ha!

You pissed me a little now. But I am fine, this is friendly madness, I am friendly mad on you.
Yesterday 12:33 AM  -  Edit   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Andrew Stankiewicz and +Tanin Ehrami I am not pulling any ones legs. I am telling you my faith.

Now what's hard to not to believe in that. I had such an experiences that compel me to believe in Him. He showered immense mercy on me.

He saved me, I was not supposed to be alive, but weirdly I was saved couple of times. And how was so illogical to explain. And I fear Him. And I trust Him.

And He is the one who told me to do 'great deeds.' I have work hard and hard for that, I have to make myself capable to earn lot of money to invest in great deeds. I will help people who in need, I will be their's hope.
Yesterday 12:41 AM  -  Edit   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - +Olivia Cassandrae I've originally said "all power to you" and I meant it. I completely understand what faith is and have no objections to it, with one little caveat, fear. Getting rid of fear is half the battle I had to go through but once you passed it it's a huge rock of your shoulders. Live in faith, not fear.
Yesterday 12:47 AM   
Erik torgosPizza's profile photo
Erik torgosPizza - How can you both fear and trust someone? That sounds like someone who is in an abusive relationship justifies their significant others' abuse because "he loves me".

If anyone I know gave me a reason to fear them, I would remove them from my life.
Yesterday 12:48 AM (edited Yesterday 12:51 AM)   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Erik torgosPizza, one question do you love your parents? Who is your favourite? Dad or mom? What can you do for them?

Can you do anything to keep them in your life? Anything means anything?

Are there any one in your life who hold this great position in your heart? Please answer this first, I will answer your question latter.
Yesterday 12:57 AM  -  Edit   
Erik torgosPizza's profile photo
Erik torgosPizza - Yes, I love my parents, and I don't have a favorite. They raised me well, gave me their own virtues that I am able to use in real life.

The difference is they are real. I can see them, talk to them, and hug them. I don't need to close my eyes and pretend they exist. If I have a problem, I can call them, and they will answer because I can hear their voices, and they have a measurable effect on my life.

Not all parents are as great as mine were. Some are abusive pieces of crap who don't deserve to be parents. I think of God as such a person - he supposedly created us to "serve" him, like some kind of dictator. Then he presumably hides all evidence of his existence, and refuses to help those who need it the most.

God is a deadbeat dad, and if he were my father, I would have disowned him a long time ago.
Yesterday 1:04 AM (edited Yesterday 1:08 AM)    
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - This may sound offensive to your beliefs, but I'll write it anyway. Personally, I find it hard to believe simply because I don't come across that many religious people anymore. I hear about religious people online, on the news and in comedy shows, but to come across one is a rare thing for me. Don't take this the wrong way, but it's like meeting a Star Wars fan that believes the events in the movies are based on a true story because they had a personal experience that reminded them of George Lucas. Religion is that weird to me.

Your critical thinking skills have helped you excel in your work, but have you considered applying them to your personal beliefs to test if they reflect reality? Just reflect on some simple questions. You don't need to tell anyone what answers you come up with. For example, given the number of people that presumably have died in your situation, how does the statistical probability of you having survived the situation lead to a belief in a god? What are you talking about when you refer to "He"? Was it really the voice of another person inside your mind that told you to do "great deeds"? Do you really believe a god is necessary for someone to be motivated to do great deeds? Btw, the founders of Apple, Microsoft, Linux and Google would all disagree on that last point.
Yesterday 1:14 AM   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - All that pent-up anger :) +Tanin Ehrami where on earth do live that you don't come across religious people? Living in US I have to fight them off with a short stick just to stay sane :) j/k .. One thing I had to learn is to distinguish people of faith from fanatics. I don't pick up wars with people of faith, just nudge a little to maybe inspire some critical thinking. I know many people of faith who are far more intelligent than I'll ever be so I just observe and learn. This is all fun and games, until someone mixes religion with politics.
Yesterday 1:27 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Tanin Ehrami none taken, I believe in God, it does not mean that I disrespect the ones who don't. No you got very good and strong points. In fact as a programmer I would say I totally agree with you. Every part of my mind says to your words.

But every part of my heart says something is missing in your arguments. There's no faith, in your words. I totally understand you. Once I was like you, I am still a science girl. I don't deny science. But there are some questions which neither science nor maths could explain.

+Eric TorgosPizza, good to know that you got lovely parents. You love them. Are you not scared that you would not make them not proud? I love my parents a lot. I could do any thing for them. And I want them proud of me. And I also fear that one mistake could make them feel ashamed of me.

I constantly fear making them not proud. So do you got this feeling any time? Any one? Know this fear?
Yesterday 1:32 AM  -  Edit   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - I don't steal, kill or rape, so no, I don't have a fear of not making my mom proud of me. It also seems once you become a parent yourself rules change completely. New fears arise and you have to deal with that new set. When someone is looking up to you, your fears are much stronger then any "god" fear.
Yesterday 1:40 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Andrew Stankiewicz thank you. Do you understand why said thank you? You are intelligent one, I think you would understand.
Yesterday 1:46 AM  -  Edit   
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - +Andrew Stankiewicz, I live in the Netherlands. 43% non-religious. Most religious people here live in small towns and I live and work in the big cities so, our paths rarely cross.

+Olivia Cassandrae, I have another uncomfortable question for you. (again, I'm not asking for an answer, just that you reflect on the question) Have you considered that you're projecting your childhood desire to appease your parents to the entire Universe by creating a comforting anthropomorphised celestial father figure to appease now that you've grown up?
Yesterday 1:55 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Tanin Ehrami my parents are so proud of me; I do not have to appease them. My mom and dad love me more than any one or any thing.

They were always loving, it's not a new concept. So your above point gets nullified.
Yesterday 2:01 AM  -  Edit   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - I've always wonder what answer from a person of faith would be (I already know fanatics response) when asked who they they value most, god or their most loved one(s).
Yesterday 2:08 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Andrew Stankiewicz Nope, you got me totally wrong. You said you have more fear, when some one looks upon you. And they can be any one, your loved ones are mostly present there, I mean take that place usually.

So that means the people whom you love can be the people whom you fear. Got the logic I wanna convey you and Tanin, Eric and others?
Yesterday 2:20 AM  -  Edit   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - I think it's a bit different kind of fear. I have fear of my loved ones getting hurt, fear of me doing something that will affect them negatively, etc. Things that will have real life consequences in real world. A fear of mystical being punishing me is really not there for me once I realized it doesn't exist. And by the way, a realization like this takes a long time when fear is embedded into you since childhood. The payoff of this realization, however, gives you a great feeling of freedom and new outlook on life.
Yesterday 2:34 AM (edited Yesterday 2:36 AM)   
Erik torgosPizza's profile photo
Erik torgosPizza - So you're saying you fear God because you look up to him? In other words, you're worried you'll be a disappointment?

That sounds like an insecurity issue, and not something borne out of love for another being.

It's much more noble to have your own goals in life, and to challenge yourself, than to constantly live in fear or worry of what someone else will think of you. That's part of adulthood and growing up - finding who you are, what the person inside the body you inhabit is like, and always striving to better your own life.

God is supposed to be almighty and all-powerful... but he wants his followers to worship him? What kind of insecure egomaniac needs to create "children" in order to get some sort of validation? And furthermore, how can anyone think this is a healthy thing to devote one's life to?
Yesterday 2:35 AM   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - Erik, it's kinda funny but true, as a parent I do want my child to "worship" me. Ok, at the very least to just listen to me for one damn second! ")
Yesterday 2:38 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - Eric, Andrew, I don't worship Him because He asked me too. No He is my hope. My only hope to be fearless. I thank him by worshiping Him. If some helps you would you say a single thank you note? And you would have this gratitude on the person.

Then how much gratitude one should have for the one who created every one, who keeps me and my loved ones safe and sound?

And I have fear of my loved ones getting hurt, fear of me doing something that will affect them negatively, etc. fear of me becoming bad and not able to empathize others ones I taste success . . .

Say a healthy fear . . .
Yesterday 2:48 AM  -  Edit   
Andrew Stankiewicz's profile photo
Andrew Stankiewicz - I wasn't talking about worship. Anyone is entailed to faith as they see fit. I'm just pointing out that fear of god is unnecessary. What particular fear of god do you have? Is it "forever damnation" or just fear of dying? Both are hard to get rid of but can be accomplished :)
Yesterday 2:56 AM   
Tanin Ehrami's profile photo
Tanin Ehrami - You said you constantly fear not making your parents proud. You've carried this fear presumably throughout your childhood and have allowed it to create a new figure to fear in your adulthood. A god figure.

I understand the logic in that but that still doesn't make this god figure exists in the real world. It's still just something you've cultivated in your mind. It's a very common thing. Many humans do this kind of thing all over the world on a daily basis. Just ask yourself why faith is required to make yourself believe god figure x is real? It's a circular argument. "I believe god x is real because I have faith. I have faith because I believe god x is real." You can inject "I believe god x is real because book x says it's real and book x also says whatever is in book x is real, therefore god x is real" and the circularity of the argument is preserved.
Yesterday 2:59 AM   
Erik torgosPizza's profile photo
Erik torgosPizza - Early humanoids had an irrational fear of thunder and lightning, too, and they probably invented invisible sky figures to explain the things they could not. It's an idea that hasn't, unfortunately, gone away yet.
Yesterday 3:23 AM   
Rich Lennon's profile photo
Rich Lennon - the irony is you do you and your relatives more harm by believing in God, then if you didn't. without the belief in God, almost all illness would have been cured by now.
Yesterday 8:23 AM   
Rich Lennon's profile photo
Rich Lennon - and wanting to be worship is surely a sign of divine intelligence? that would have to be one twisted entity consciousness.
Yesterday 8:25 AM   
Scott Moyer's profile photo
Scott Moyer - I can't have such garbage about "gods" in my godless stream. Out you go.
Yesterday 9:50 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Tanin Ehrami perhaps, but it has a 50% probability that it may not be a reason. True? It is just a thesis. You are suggesting this could be the case.

I believe in God, but I do not force others to believe in Him, it's there own choice.

I am so uncertain of my life, I need hope to live daily and hope comes from faith! Faith that some one looks upon me. This I believe so strongly that, nothing can take my faith from me.

I have felt, heeded some one saving me each and every time, giving me success in life . . .

+Rich Lennon curing of illness and my faith how are they related? Seriously I don't think they are related in any way. Some times I do things just merely because I trust in Him. And guess what I would have completed it so fastly and with so precision. I am not saying I am ultra rich or something, what ever I got is a miracle to me. It's His gift. I work very hard of course, but still . . . there are people who don't even get that even when they are fathers of intelligent.

+Andrew "Oh my God! He is so powerful." This always comes to me.
Yesterday 10:00 AM  -  Edit   
Rich Lennon's profile photo
Rich Lennon - then you've not thought about it enough.
Yesterday 10:06 AM   
Rich Lennon's profile photo
Rich Lennon - don't mean to be cryptic, i'm just too tired to dig into a huge topic. though it's also as simple as human focus and attention. Science of Life or God of non-existence. one of the two actually works in reality.. and if you think you selling God isn't cutting into the research for life, your wrong. very wrong.
Yesterday 10:11 AM (edited Yesterday 10:12 AM)   
Rich Lennon's profile photo
Rich Lennon - I have a quote.. "Allowing the followers of Faith to utilized the Hospitals of Science, is like giving nukes to primitive man on the battlefield of mental evolution." .. science has tripled human lifespans, and allowed Faith to tag along for the ride. eventually that will have to stop.
Yesterday 10:16 AM   
Did I Piss You Off's profile photo
Did I Piss You Off - +Rich Lennon Perfect!! and Correct!
Yesterday 10:22 AM   
Olivia Cassandrae's profile photo
Olivia Cassandrae - +Rich Lennon Perfect!

In this total journey I have not seen single soul say I too trust God! We have that evolved? Are we really?

I find myself, so odd one out here. Nonetheless, my faith has not shaken. It's totally intact with me. That is what makes me what I am.

Well, there are people who constantly force their opinion on others, they tend to manipulate things according to their own assumptions and beliefs. Agreed Rich, people who believe are sometimes, mostly, are partial towards their belief. I am not, that's a secondary.

Let's see, if faith in God will become a history's laughs! Does not even one of you felt any kind of illogical experiences that would compel you to believe in some supreme power?

Did Science make us Gods?
Yesterday 11:15 AM  -  Edit   
Rich Lennon's profile photo
Rich Lennon - We can only experience the universe around us through our minds. through the mental networks and filters that allow for our senses. networks that depend on a integrity of honesty about the data that they share. to begin to consciously inject expectations onto those networks (Faith), is the beginnings of the creation of a Matrix in your mind.
Yesterday 11:22 AM   
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Olivia Cassandrae

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