Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ground Zero : Ramlila Maidan (Delhi)

This was a great experience sitting all night in the Ramlila maidan.. There were people all night from all different backgrounds united for the same cause. Amazing to see people coming with food water and various things for the people holding ground in the Ramlila maidan. I hope all this effort will bring something good....

When fight against British started i dont think anyone might be thinking that it will be possible to get freedom from a supreme world power, but it happend...a hope lead to the freedom. This time same hope will lead to a better future.


India Corruption Protest Supporters of Indian activist Anna Hazare march through a flyover in New Delhi, India, Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011. Hazare, who is on his sixth day of hunger strike to demand that Indian lawmakers pass his anti-corruption bill said Sunday that his supporters comprise a "people's parliament" above the nation's elected assembly.(AP Photo) INDIA OUT AP


RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal related the Hongkong cleanup story. In the1970s Hongkong was so corrupt with police-mafia nexus so strong that hundreds of thousands of angry citizens came out on the streets to protest against it. The government had to set up an independent body Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to deal with corruption. The Hongkong government gave complete powers to the Commission to take any action, it saw fit to rid Hongkong of this corruption which had led to an out-of-control spiraling crime graph.

The first thing the ICAC did was to sack 103 police officers from a force of 107 officers. The message went out immediately that corruption would not be tolerated any more and today Hongkong is one of the most honest countries in the world.
If it worked in Hongkong, it can work in India. Presently the two bodies dealing with corruption in the country are the Central Vigilance Comission (CVC) and the Central Burea of Investigation (CBI). The CVC is an advisory body. It can only recommend to the Government that action should be taken against erring officers or polticians. The Government has not jailed anyone in the last 5 years based on recommendations of the CVC. The CBI are completely controlled by the government. This is why the corrupt go free, unless there is a Lokpal Bill in place.

By Abhishek Chaturvedi

Monday, August 1, 2011

Men Need to Cuddle!

That old chestnut about women always wanting to cuddle? Myth, according to a Kinsey Institute study, which finds that kissing and hugging were more important to the happiness of men than of women.

The study involved 1,009 heterosexual middle-aged and older couples in long-term (average 25 years) committed relationships in five countries. Researchers asked participants to fill out questionnaires about their satisfaction with their relationships and sex lives, revealing some surprising truths: for instance, men who reported frequent kissing or cuddling with their partners were on average three times as happy with their relationships as men who reported limited snuggling. For women, such shows of tenderness didn't have much impact on relationship satisfaction.

However, both men and women who reported frequent touching, kissing and hugging, as well as higher sexual functioning and more sex, were more likely to be sexually satisfied. For women, sex got better over time: they reported significantly more sexual satisfaction after being with their partner for 15 years.

"Possibly, women become more satisfied over time because their expectations change, or life changes with the children grown," Julia Heiman, director of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction and lead author of the study, said in a statement. "On the other hand, those who weren't so happy sexually might not be married so long."

Both men and women became happier with their relationships the longer they stayed together. But, in a reversal of stereotype, men were more likely than women to report being happy in their relationships, while women were more likely to report being satisfied with sex.

The couples in the survey hailed from Japan, Brazil, the U.S., Germany and Spain. The study found that Japanese couples were significantly happier with their relationships than American couples, who were in turn happier than couples from Brazil and Spain. The Japanese were also more likely to report sexual satisfaction than Americans: Japanese men in particular were 2.61 times more sexually satisfied than American men. As for women, Japanese and Brazilian women were more likely to report sexual satisfaction than their American counterparts.

What predicted overall satisfaction? For women, key factors were relationship duration and their own good sexual functioning. But for men, there seemed to be a larger variety of contributors to happiness: longer relationships, good physical health (healthy men were 67% more likely to report being happy with their relationships than men in poor health), good sexual functioning and their wives' sexual satisfaction: a man's happiness rose 17% with each additional point he rated the importance of his partner's orgasm.
"This study on heterosexual couples provides a basis for future research on sex and gender, such as how same-sex couples may or may not show similarities and differences in relationship and sexual satisfaction," said Heiman.